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A small experience into Cusco, the legendary inca city

19 September 2014

During my journey to Cusco, i was there in various places to see and live the experience throughout the people & customs that bring me to my mind many unforgettable experiences with all kind of tours into the pre-inca & inca city.


According to my host, “It does not matter what time of year you come, it is ALWAYS hot if you are in the sun and COLD, COLD, COLD when you are not in the sun.” During daytime, locals and tourists alike have in handy a sweater or a jacket. At nighttime, the temperature drastically changes – it gets even colder. Adding to that, there is no such thing as central heating in Cusco, so it is recommended to “dress for the occasion.”


Our tour conductor said: “I highly recommend you do not wash your hair at night, if it will not dry quickly. Sleeping with wet hair will make sleeping hard and uncomfortable.” I followed just that and only took showers when the sun was out. Even so, sleep deprivation is another issue that I have been battling for the past three nights. As it is, my frequent travels have wrought havoc to my “biological clock,” so I never travel without my “sleep aids.”

But, even the strongest sleep aid combination is not helping. I find myself waking up every three hours, leading me to try traditional ways of falling back to sleep – watching a movie, reading a book, “counting sheep,” etc. The other night, I became so frustrated that I ended up taking another dose of sleep aid just to get a few hours of shuteye.

Before I came to Cusco, my host warned me that “Cusco is 11,000 ft.” above sea level and “about 50 percent of our guests suffer something from the altitude. Mostly headaches, shortness of breath, nausea and a general feeling of discomfort are the problems. However, throwing up is common as well.”

Other than the aforementioned “challenges,” my trip to Cusco so far has been wonderful. The locals are nice and generally hospitable in answering questions despite the language barrier. So, expect to be reading more about my trip to the Southern region of Peru in the near future.

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Urb Aprovite A-16, San Jeronimo, Cusco, Perú

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